Let everything turn you on
Your sensitivity is your superpower and you can learn to feel bliss and peace even if you are surrounded by chaos. I used to be super sensitive to loud sounds and would allow a lot of things to disturb my peace or distract and annoy me. This led to living in a lot of frustration and stress. Everything shifted for me when learned how to tune into the energetic frequency underneath whatever was disturbing me. Instead of resisting, I started seeing if I could welcome and receive the energy underneath everything. This is when a lot more things in my life starting feeling more blissful. This might sound a bit wild or out there, but I hope this episode invites you to open to a new possibility of just how orgasmic life can actually be.
Loving you infinitely. xoxo
If you want to take your sex life and your pleasure to the next level, check out my signature course that is designed to help you align with your true sexual sovereignty: https://www.aurelie.love/asm
Connect with me on social media
IG: @goddessaurelie
Twitter/X: @goddessaurelie
My favorite pleasure products and tools for enhancing energy:
Yoni Crystals Pleasure Wands https://www.aurelie.love/yoni-crystals
Infared Healing Mats Healthyline Crystal Infrared Mats